Digarv is co-organising a conference showcasing new research in
the Digital Humanities to be held at Stockholm University on 27-29 Jan 2021. The invited presenters are world-leading experts in Digital Humanities specializing in textual, spatial and object analysis. Confirmed speakers are Douglas Biber from Northern Arizona University, Johanna Drucker from UCLA, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel from University of Geneva, Christof Schöch from Trier University, Kathryn Eccles from University of Oxford, Tuomo Hiippala from University, Kathryn Eccles from University of Oxford, Tuomo Hiippala from University of Helisinki, Mike Kestemont from University of Antwerp, Jane Winters from the School of Advanced Study, University of London, Anna Bentkowska-Kafel from King’s College London, Giles Berger from University of Oxford, Ian Gregory from Lancaster University, Vera Moitinho de Almeida from University of Porto, Nuria Rodríguez Ortega from University of Málaga.
The conference is arranged by the SU Humanities Faculty research school theme Digital Humanities in cooperation with Digarv. It is connected to the research school course Digital Humanities: from Methods to Knowledge – which is open to all PhD students, including from other universities, so do have a look in case you have students who might be interested. Closed seminars with the speakers will be held each afternoon for PhD course students.
The conference is free but registration is required. More info here.